Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Idea to value

Idea to value

 Idea to value is a community about improving everyone's ability to generate new ideas and turn them into something amazing. Our insights come from experts in innovation management, Psychology, Neuroscience, Art, Business Leadership and many more. My article
and media on creativity and innovation help people like you break through whatever is stopping your ideas from happening and figuring out how to make your innovation successful.

Generating Good Ideas

Coming up with good ideas is easy. This includes ideas for new website or business. Anybody can generate good ideas. One technique you can use is to simply brainstorm a list. If you write down 20, 50, or 200 ideas for anything, chances are you will come up with a few gems. you probably have a decent flow of good ideas popping up at random times too, such as while showering or exercising. You certainly don't have to be a genius to come up with good ideas.

The value of implementation 

The real value of any creation is in the implementation, not the idea.

Do you really bemoan the fact  that you didn't think of some great idea before someone else did? Would it have made any difference if you did? You are probably sitting on lots of great ideas that someone else is already implementing.
In the gaming industry, I saw several companies do quite well with ideas that were totally unoriginal.
They succeeded because they had great implementation of those ideas. There are a lot of Galaga and Tetris clones on the market. I remember that many developers were disturbed by the success of these cloners.

I had an original game idea that I thought was pretty good, but it didn't generate any income by itself. It just sat there on paper. It took months run it into an actual game, and the final product sold quite well. Some people assumed it was the idea that caused the game to sell well. No, it was the implementation of that idea. 

Ideas are easy. Implementing ideas is hard because that's where things get complicated. The devil is in the details. Turning something mental into something into something physical is often quite a challenge. 

Sure there are exceptions, but even when people value ideas, solid implementation is still required to extract the value.

Idea to value

Idea to value   Idea to value is a community about improving everyone's ability to generate new ideas and turn them into something a...